Monday, November 26, 2012


Hi, people call me DocFon or DocFun whatever the situation is.  If I am seriously at work, people call me DocFon.  But If I am on an adventure, they fondly call me DocFun.  Now that you know that I have a dual personality, don't mistake it as a psychological disorder.  Welcome to my blog as I share with you my experiences as a common individual with the usual complexities of life. This site is not your usual travel site that gives out tips and advices.  But rather I will share with you experiences that uplifts the spirit and rejuvenates your weary mind and body from the hustle and bustle of this modern world.  Pardon me if I won't be giving details on how to reach these places I've visited. In my opinion, the typical travel blogs contribute to the environmental woes that a place will suffer from when tourists flock in overwhelming numbers exceeding the carrying capacity of the place.   Many bloggers although with good intentions are unsuspecting culprits in this growing issue.  It would be best if you could relive the same experience in your own way